The ROI of Microsoft Copilot Revealed: New Forrester TEI Report
The wait is over! Forrester’s Total Economic Impact (TEI) report on Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 is here, offering valuable insights into both the potential return on investment (ROI) and the costs associated with successful implementation.
One key area of focus is “Training and Employee Discovery” (pages 26-27). Here, Forrester delves into the specifics of training users, including estimated training time, development hours for training materials, and more.
Let’s talk dollars and cents. Based on Forrester’s cost estimates, the average monthly training cost per seat in the first year comes out to a staggering $42.80! Year two cost is $24.40 and year three $20.81 per seat per month.
Why are training costs predicted to be so high? Forrester’s estimates are based on a traditional training methodology. These methods can be expensive to implement and, frankly, less effective than current user adoption and change management (ACM) techniques. (Per Forbes, 70% of training & ACM programs fail to drive lasting change.)
Here’s where things get interesting. By leveraging an adoption and change management platform based on current technology – one that includes pre-built Copilot training content – and combining it with third-party program management resources, that per-seat monthly cost can be significantly reduced. We’re talking well below the $42.80/mo. mark!
Curious to learn more? Want to explore alternative, cost-effective ACM solutions for Microsoft Copilot? Join us for our Copilot webinar on June 5th and let’s chat about maximizing your ROI and unlocking the full potential of Copilot for your team.